
Curriculum Vitae


Laurence L. Welborn

Department of Theology

Fordham University


Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, Ph.D, 1993, M.A., 1986

New Testament and Judaism 

University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, Post-graduate study, 1982-1984,

Early Christian Literature 

Karl-Eberhard Universität, Tübingen, Germany. Post-graduate study, 1980-81

Yale Divinity School, New Haven, Connecticut, M.A.R, 1979,

Religion and Literature 

Harding College, Searcy, Arkansas, B.A., 1976,

Religion and Literature 


Harold Stirling Vanderbilt Scholarship, Vanderbilt University

University Fellowship, University of Chicago

Rotary Fellowship, Karl-Eberhard Universität, Tübingen

Magna Cum Laude, Yale Divinity School

Mary Cady Tew Prize, Yale Divinity School

Summa Cum Laude, Harding College

National Merit Scholarship, Harding College


2007-  Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, Fordham University

2001-2007 Professor of New Testament, United Theological Seminary

1996-2001 Associate Professor of New Testament, United Theological Seminary

1991-1996 Assistant Professor of New Testament, United Theological Seminary

1987-1991  Assistant Professor of New Testament, McCormick Theological Seminary

1984-1987 Instructor in Biblical Languages, McCormick Theological Seminary

1983-1984  Instructor in Koine Greek, Vanderbilt University

Lecturer in Religion and Literature, Yale Divinity School

Visiting Professor of New Testament, Wittenberg University 

Visiting Professor of New Testament, Vanderbilt University

2009-  Honorary Professor of Ancient History, Macquarie University


Dean of Doctoral Studies, United Theological Seminary


“How ‘democratic’ was the Pauline Ekklēsia? An Assessment with Special Reference to the Christ

Groups of Roman Corinth,” New Testament Studies (forthcoming, 2019).

“Early Christianity in Corinth: From Paul to First Clement” in The Rise of Early Christianity in

Greece and the Southern Balkans, ed. Cilliers Breytenbach (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming 2019). 

The First Urban Churches 4: Philippi, ed. L. L. Welborn and James R. Harrison (Atlanta: SBL

Press, 2018). 

“1 Corinthians: Introduction and Notes,” The New Oxford Annotated Bible, ed. M. Coogan

P. Perkins, et al. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018) 1999-2023. 

The Young against the Old: Generational Conflict in First Clement (Lanham: Fortress Press

Academic, 2018).

The First Urban Churches 3: Ephesus, ed. L. L. Welborn and James R. Harrison (Atlanta: SBL

Press, 2017).

“Paul’s Place in a First-Century Revival of the Discourse of ‘Equality’,” Harvard Theological

Review 110 (2017) 541-562.

“Marxism and Capitalism in Pauline Studies” in Paul and Economics, ed. Thomas R. Blanton

(Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2017) 361-396.

“Roman Political Ideology and the Authority of First Clement” in Into All the World: Emergent

Christianity in its Jewish and Greco-Roman Contexts, ed. Mark Harding and Alanna Nobbs

(Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2017) 372-392.

“Jealousy, Envy, Strife and Discord in First Clement,” Journal of Beliefs and Values 38 (2017) 173-


“Paulus und der Unrechttäter des 2. Korintherbriefes: Das Ringen um Versöhnung,” Zeitschrift für

Neues Testament 38 (2016) 27-42.

“Inequality in Roman Corinth: Evidence from Diverse Sources Evaluated According to a 

Neo-Ricardian Model” in The First Urban Churches, Volume 2: Roman Corinth, ed. James R. Harrison and L. L. Welborn (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 2016) 47-84.

“A Coin of Aretas, with Possible Implications for the Chronology of Paul’s Life” in Aspects of the

Roman East: Papers in Honor of Fergus Millar, Studia Antiqua Australiensis 5, ed. Samuel

Lieu (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016) 279-299. 

“The Polis and the Poor: Reconstructing Social Relations from Diverse Genres of Evidence” in The

First Urban Churches, Volume 1: Methodological Considerations, ed. James R. Harrison and L. L. Welborn (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 2015) 189-244. 

Paul’s Summons to Messianic Life: Political Theology and the Coming Awakening (New York:

Columbia University Press, 2015).

“Voluntary Exile as the Solution to Discord in 1 Clement,” Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum 18.1

(2014) 6-21.

“The Corinthian Correspondence” in All Things to All Cultures, ed. M. Harding and A. Nobbs

(Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2013) 205-242. 

“The Culture of Crucifixion and the Resurrection of the Dispossessed” in Paul and the

Philosophers, ed. Ward Blanton and Hent de Vries (New York: Fordham University

Press, 2013) 127-142.

“Jacob Taubes: Paulinist, Messianist” in Paul in the Grip of the Continental Philosophers, ed. Peter

Frick (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2013) 69-90.

“’That There May Be Equality’: The Contexts and Consequences of a Pauline Ideal,” New Testament

Studies 59.1 (2013) 73-90.

“Towards Structural Marxism as a Hermeneutic of Early Christian Literature, illustrated by Reference

to Paul’s Spectacle Metaphor in 1 Corinthians 15:30-32,” The Bible and Critical Theory 8

(2012) 39-51.

“The Palatine Graffito: A Mimic Interpretation,” Journal of the Society for the Study of Early

Christianity 73 (2012) 1-11.

“Paul and Pain: Paul’s Emotional Therapy in 2 Corinthians 1:1-2:13; 7:5-16 in the Context of

Ancient Psychagogic Literature,” New Testament Studies 57 (2011) 1-24.

An End to Enmity: Paul and the “Wrongdoer” of Second Corinthians (Berlin and New York:

Walter de Gruyter, 2011).

“1 Corinthians: Introduction and Notes,” The New Oxford Annotated Bible, ed. M. Coogan

P. Perkins, et al. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010) 1999-2023. 

“Inculturation of Christianity in the Greco-Roman World,” The Cambridge Dictionary of

Christianity, ed. D. Patte (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010) 594-595.

“History, Concepts of,” The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, ed. D. Patte (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 2010) 520-521.

“Corinthians, 1 & 2 Epistles,” The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, ed. D. Patte

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010) 279-280.

“By the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses: Paul’s Invocation of a Deuteronomic Statute,”

Novum Testamentum 52 (2010) 207-220.

“Paul’s Caricature of his Chief Rival as a Pompous Parasite in 2 Corinthians 11:20,” Journal

For the Study of the New Testament 32 (2009) 39-56.

“Extraction from the Mortal Site: Badiou on the Resurrection in Paul,” New Testament Studies

55 (2009) 295-314.

Early Patristic Readings of Romans, ed. Kathy Gaca and L. L. Welborn (London: T & T

Clark, 2006).

Paul, the Fool of Christ: A Study of 1 Corinthians 1-4 in the Comic-Philosophic Tradition

(London: T. & T. Clark International, 2005).

“Discord in Corinth” in Christianity at Corinth: The Quest for the Pauline Church, ed. E. Adams and 

D. G. Horrell (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2004) 139-144.

“Euro-American Biblical Interpretation” in Methods of Biblical Interpretation, ed. John H. Hayes 

(Nashville: Abingdon, 2004) 317-21.

Encounters with Hellenism: Studies in First Clement, ed. C. Breytenbach and L. L. Welborn (Leiden:

Brill, 2003).

“Vom Unterrichten der Bibel im ‘Ausnahmezustand’. Reflexionen ueber die hermeneutische

Aufgabe eines neutestamentlichen Historikers nach dem 11. September 2001,” Zeitschrift für Neues Testament 10.5 (2002) 1-14.

“Paul’s Appropriation of the Role of the Fool in 1 Corinthians 1-4,” Biblical Interpretation 10.4 (2002) 420-435.

“Take up the Epistle of the Blessed Paul the Apostle: The Contrasting Fates of Paul’s Letters to  Corinth in the Patristic Period,” Reading Communities Reading Scripture: Festschrift for 

Daniel Patte, ed. N. Duran (Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International, 2002) 345-357

“The Appeal to the Emotions in Paul’s Letter of Reconciliation, 2 Cor. 1:1-2:13; 7:5-16,” Journal  for the Study of the New Testament 82 (2001) 31-60.

“The Runaway Paul: A Character in the Fool’s Speech,” Harvard Theological Review 92:2  (1999) 115-63.

“Primum tirocinium Pauli, (2 Cor. 11, 32-33),” Biblische Zeitschrift 43/1 (1999) 49-71.

Politics and Rhetoric in the Corinthian Epistles (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1997).

“Like Broken Pieces of a Ring: 2 Cor. 1:1-2:13; 7:5-16 and Ancient Theories of Literary 

Unity,” New Testament Studies 42 (1996) 559-83.

“Paul's Flight from Damascus: Sources and Evidence for an Historical Evaluation” in 

Historische Wahrheit, Festschrift for Gerd Luedemann, ed. A. Oezen (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1996) 41-60.

“The Dangerous Double Affirmation: Character and Truth in 2 Cor. 1:17-23,” Zeitschrift 

für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 86 (1995) 34-52.

“The Identification of 2 Corinthians 10-13 with the Letter of Tears,” Novum 

Testamentum 37/2 (1995) 138-53.

“First Clement” in The Anchor Bible Dictionary (Garden City, NJ: Doubleday, 1993) 


“The Kingdom of God and Time,” Journal of Theology 96 (1992) 77-85.

“Georgi's Gegner: Some Reflections on the Occasion of its Translation,” Journal of 

Religion 67.3 (1988) 566-574.

“A Conciliatory Principle in I Corinthians 4:6,” Novum Testamentum 35 (1987) 1-22.

“On the Discord in Corinth: I Corinthians 1-4 and Ancient Politics,” Journal of Biblical 

Literature 106.1 (1987) 85-111.

“The Date of First Clement,” Biblical Research 29 (1985) 34-54.

“Gnosticism” in The Encyclopedia Britannica Micropedia (1985) 214-216.


“That There May Be Equality”: Paul on the Economics of the Christ Groups. Paul in Critical

Contexts (Lanham: Fortress Academic/Lexington Books, forthcoming).

First Clement: A Commentary. Hermeneia (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, forthcoming).


Review of John M. G. Barclay, Paul and the Gift (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2015) in

Biblical Interpretation (forthcoming).

Review of Bruce Longenecker, Remember the Poor: Paul, Poverty and the Greco-Roman

World (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010) in Review of Biblical Literature 7 (2012) 1-7. 

Review of Jeremy F. Hultin, The Ethics of Obscene Speech in Early Christianity and its

Environment (Leiden: Brill, 2008) in Catholic Biblical Quarterly 74 (2012) 375-77.

Review of Richard A. Horsley, Wisdom and Spiritual Transcendence at Corinth: Studies

in First Corinthians (Eugene: Cascade Books, 2008) in Review of Biblical Literature


Review of Ivar Vegge, 2 Corinthians – A Letter about Reconciliation (Tübingen: Mohr 

Siebeck, 2008) in Review of Biblical Literature (2009)

Review of Andrew D. Clarke, Secular and Christian Leadership in Corinth: A Socio-

Historical and Exegetical Study of 1 Corinthians 1-6 (Leiden: Paternoster, 2006)

in Catholic Biblical Quarterly (2008).

Review of Clayton N. Jefford, The Apostolic Fathers: An Essential Guide (Nashville:

Abingdon, 2005) in the Review of Biblical Literature (2007).

Review of Robert Dutch, The Educated Elite in 1 Corinthians (London: T. & T. Clark

International, 2005) in Catholic Biblical Quarterly 68.3 (2006) 537-39.

Review of David deSilva, The Credentials of an Apostle in Journal of Biblical Literature 

118.3 (1999) 561-62.

Review of Harold Dollar, A Biblical-Missiological Exploration of the Cross-Cultural 

Dimensions in Luke-Acts in Missiology (1996) 407-408.

Review of Wendell Willis, Idol Meat in Corinth in Critical Reviews of Books in Religion 

(1991) 243-246.

Review of Victor Furnish, II Corinthians, AB 32B in Journal of Biblical Literature 106.4 (1987) 


Review of E. P. Sanders, Paul, the Law and the Jewish People in Journal of Religion 65.1 

(1986) 101-102.


H. D. Betz, 2 Corinthians 8 and 9: Two Administrative Letters of the Apostle Paul

Hermeneia (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1985).

H. D. Betz, Essays on the Sermon on the Mount (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1985).

K. Rudolph, “Wellhausen as Arabist,” Semeia 25: Julius Wellhausen, ed. D. Knight 

(1982) 111-155.

W. Eichrodt, “Faith in Providence and Theodicy in the Old Testament” in Theodicy in 

the Old Testament, ed. J. Crenshaw (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1983) 17-41.


The SBL History of Biblical Studies, edited by Leo Perdue and L. L. Welborn. Published

by the Society of Biblical Literature

Synkrisis: Invitations to Early Christianity in Greco-Roman Culture, edited by L. L. Welborn.

Published by Yale University Press

Paul in Critical Contexts, edited by L. L. Welborn and Laura Nasrallah. Published by Fortress

Academic/Lexington Books.


Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas

Society of Biblical Literature

Co-chair of the “Seminar on Romans through History and Cultures,” 1997-2000, 2003-2005.

Co-chair of “Polis and Ekklesia,” 2011-2017 

Catholic Biblical Association of America

Columbia University New Testament Seminar

Co-chair, 2011-2019


Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, Coptic, German, French, Dutch